The feisty Phoenix four-piece known as Bear Ghost creates a veritable smorgasbord of sound on their 2016 release, Blasterpiece. Delivering a high-energy funk, Bear Ghost offers fluidly fuses elements of various genres for a totally unique and unified sound.
If you spend some time with Blasterpiece, and really delve into the musical permutations from start to finish, you’ll hear elements drawn from varying genres stretching from prog-rock, chiptunes, and ska all the way to indie, chamber pop, carnival music, and beyond. Bear Ghost has a penchant for the theatrical and their powerhouse sound comes through strong on every track.
Blasterpiece, recorded by Jeremy Parker at Premier Studios, was released back in February and can be found through Bandcamp (here or below). And, if you haven’t already, make sure you head out to see Bear Ghost live as soon as opportunity presents itself. The energy you hear on the album carries through to a live setting splendidly.